If you happen to own a small business, there is no denying the benefits to be gained by utilizing the powerful advertising tool known as social media. The use of sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and others, can be very effective in increasing brand identity, growing your business, and keeping you ahead of the competition. Many business owners are now making optimum use, of the marketing opportunity presented by social media sites.
Protect How To Protect Brand Identity on Social Media
However, social media advertising does have its downside, so while it is important to ensure that you establish a clearly defined presence on these sites, it is also necessary to have strategies in place to protect your brand identity. The social media landscape has been dotted by many incidences of fraud, and unauthorized use of intellectual property. Early detection of infringements will ensure that the goodwill and distinction you have earned in the marketplace, is not eroded.
Your brand identity is that unique factor, or factors, which distinguish your product or service from your competitors. It takes a lot to build an online reputation, so you must ensure that it is well protected. Be sure to craft a sound branding strategy before venturing into the world of social media marketing. In order to protect your brand identity on social media, make sure to do the following:
Register your company name. Reserving your name is important in order to reduce the possibility of trademark infringement. It will also minimize the risk of unauthorized use of your intellectual property. Registering your company name is essential, as there have been times when companies have found that their name has already been registered by someone else. Once registration is complete, then you should upload all the relevant details on your company, including videos and other content.
Monitor your brand. This involves keeping current with what is happening with your brand online. So you should be aware of when your brand is mentioned, who is talking about it, and what is being said about it. Google Alerts is one tool that allows you to track information on your business. Always bear in mind that social media is dynamic, and so you must keep on top of developments.
To effectively monitor your brand, you should also check in with the social media sites that you have established a presence. This should be done often, preferably twice a week. The purpose of this is to detect any fraudulent activity that might be taking place. Regular visits will ensure that infringements are speedily identified and corrected, before any damage is done to your business image.
Social media sites provide innovative and convenient ways to promote your brand. However, as we have seen, it is not without potential pitfalls. Therefore, it is important to approach social networking with a branding strategy, designed to safeguard your brand identity. Take the necessary precautions such as registering your name, and monitoring your brand, in order to minimize possible risks. Once adequate monitoring is in place, then your business will be in a position to reap the benefits that can accrue from social media.